南臺科技大學 電機工程系 生醫系統整合實驗室

生醫系統整合實驗室建立於2013年8月,由於生醫系統具有少量多樣的商品特性,並需依循特定需求來作設計;因此快速整合相關技術,將「需求」整合「創新」並「實作」出來,是本實驗室的教學與研究方向。除了強調實務技術的提升外,相關的背景知識也不能欠缺,包括生醫感測、系統控制、驅動技術及機構整合等,並適切地連結人機介面進行相對的生醫領域應用。故本實驗室能提供醫療影像、醫療電子、科技輔具等領域之整合技術研發與服務。 Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory (IBS Lab) was founded in August 2013.   Diversity and low quantity are the characteristics of biomedical device system; and design for each system is usually custom made. To combine clinical requirements with innovative idea, together with design and commercialized those concept. Fast integration of these related techniques is the main purpose and direction for IBS Lab.  Despite focusing on practical skill upgrade, related background knowledge will also be heavily emphasize; which Includes biomedical sensing, system control, driving technologies, mechanism integration and user interface design, etc. IBS Lab provides R&D services for medical imaging systems, medical electronics, technological assistive devices, and others.